Kuji-In Training by MahaVajra
Free Training
While it is most efficient to train with a coach, it is possible to train on your own, for free.
Follow these simple steps:
Get used to the technique
Use the book while following videos
There are many more videos on Maha's Youtube channel. Feel free to browse
Solo Training
A step above the free material, Maha Vajra's books are avilable on Amazon. It is recommended to read them in order, refining your practice after reading each book.
We highly recommend you also watch the video series on Youtube.
If you have questions, the answer might be in the books or videos. There is a lot of information to digest before asking questions. Please email us questions as a last resort. It may be considered as coaching.
Coaching / Certification
For the most efficient training, or to be certified as a Kuji-In teacher (and eventually as a Kuji-In Master), you must receive coaching from one of our certified masters. This is a paid service. Contact one of the kuji-in masters below:
English (world): info@kujiin.com
Spanish (Europe): ShaMantrana
French (World): VajraTay